Sunday, February 21, 2010

South Georgia blizzard

We’ve landed – well, not really. The day’s agenda said, “South Georgia is notorious for strong sudden winds.” We have them. Pop Pop went out for a Zodiac ride with snow coming down sideways as we drove up a fijord. It was very cold, but beautiful. This am, we were in front of a glacier when two “shooters” exploded the water. A shooter is a large chunk of ice that breaks off from the bottom of the glacier deep underwater. As the iceberg breaks water, there is a massive upheaval. On the bridge, the Captain said shooters are much more dangerous than calving – because the ice is much more compressed, and the size of the shooters is much larger.
DeDe is biking in the wellness area regularly because she is complaining that she now has more blubber than a Weddel seal (she doesn’t, but it makes a good story).