Tuesday, March 31, 2015

In like a lion, out like a lamb

It is the last day of March, hopefully no more snow. In fact, Thursday's forecast is for 68 degrees. Today, the excavators dug out the Storm Water Management System (SWMS). What a boondoggle! Here are pictures of the 25' x 50' hole in the ground plus piping (2.5' in diameter). The hole BTW, is larger than what we'll have for the pool, and just about the footprint of the barn. This thing could probably meet the needs of four apartment buildings, not just one small barn. Oh, well, it is what it is. All this and we have less than 3% impervious cover. The stones you see are one large dumptruck load of stone. We'll need 5 truckloads before they can "cover" the stone base with the black tarp, and then fill in the rest of the way with about 3/4 of the dirt they removed from the hole. The best news - once covered and planted with grass, we'll likely never know it is there.