Friday, February 28, 2014

Last full day

Today we drove to the East End where there are several large resorts. We snorkeled around the piers for two of them: the Morritts, and the Reefs. In each case, it was like a fish zoo, with hundreds of fish swimming in and around the piers - and everything from small sargent-majors to huge tarpons. Their secret is no secret - they feed the fish, and the fish cooperate for the guests by milling around. It was awesome. In the PM, De De took a last walk around Starfish Point, where we are staying. She got some interesting pictures: In the evening we went to Rum Point for our last dinner. We close with two pictures from there. De De graduated from her normal chardonnay to a Mudslide - more appropriate to brace for a trip from 85 degrees with a warm breeze, and swimming two or three times a day, to sleet, cold, and 12" of snow forecast. This was a terrific spot, a wonderful time, and, my guess, we'll do it again.