Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bergen Norge - More Architecture, Blondes, and a 2nd Scene from "Frozen"

Well, we slept for over 12 hours, and missed joining up with the Olivers on a tour of "Old Bergen." We started an hour later. Old Bergen is a restored area of wooden buildings at the wharf. Almost 700 years ago, in 1350, 2/3 of Norwegians were wiped out by the "Black Plague." For the next 400 years, Germans came in and ran the trading operation (interestingly, the sea level then was about 15' higher than today - maybe due to global cooling). But I digress. Exports were dried cod, and cod liver oil, while imports were mostly food, especially grains. Here are some pictures of the buildings, and a cod: From "Old Bergen," we took a cable car to the top of a (small) mountain to see the valley Bergen sits in. Here are two views: At the summit, we turned to see a group of school children looking over the view. Requirements - wear a green vest and have blonde hair! Finally, if you saw "Frozen" you remember the trolls. No, the film makers did not make them up. Here is one of their statues: