Saturday, February 11, 2012

Faces of Brazil

At the risk of overdoing it, we want to start a section on "faces of Brazil." Here are three: Kamila (aka Michele for obvious reasons) who is from Sao Paulo, Carolina who is also from Sao Paulo, and a couple, Sergio and Renata. They now live in Sao Paulo, but Renata is originally from Rio de Janeiro, while Sergio is from Pelotas, a smaller city near theborder with Uraguay.

Baia do Atalaia - tidal pool

As a second dive, we went to a tidal pool that was only 3-4' deep. It is a breeding ground for baby fish. The water was clear, and we enjoyed the sights very much.

Baia do Sueste - guided

First, a confession: Pop Pop can't spell. We're on Naronha, not Naronah (oh, well). Today we went back to the bay for turtles, and saw lots of them (e.g., five big turtles at one time0. The water was murkier, so our pics today are for different fauna - a flying fish (the one I thought yesterday was an octopus), a skate, and a small lemon shark.