Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ushuaia - fin du monde

We’ve returned from a long am walk in Ushuaia. Ushuaia bills itself as Fin du Monde, or End of the World, because it is the most southern city in the world. The city sits in a bowl of mountains surrounding it, except for an exit to the sea. It’s a pretty town (larger than we thought – 60,000 people) that is oriented to hiking, climbing, and outdoors in Patagonia. It is quite pleasant, sunny, and close to 70 degrees F today.
We’re keeping our fingers crossed for a flight early tomorrow am.

Ushuaia - again

Well, it is a beautiful day in Ushuaia – good news! We are still here – bad news. At this time, we expect to fly to Miami tomorrow am, but the plane is in Lima, Peru, awaiting Argentine paperwork. We don’t know if that means security or bribes that is gumming up the works.

We can’t wait to get home to hug everyone. Hopefully, we won’t be updating this message tomorrow am.