Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Longyearbyen - leaving Svalbard

We arrived in Longyearbyen, the largest town on the Svalbard Islands, last night. So today, June 17, we had a brief walk around the town, and then took off for Oslo. Here are views from the museum in town, the town, and the front of the airport. We are on the way home!

No winners in this beauty pagent

For our last full day in Svalbard (June 16), we travelled to Poolepynten bay, to see if we could find walrus - oh, we found them! These guys really flop about getting onto shore, and then they love to all get to the same small area of the beach. Formidible in the water, they are more vulnerable if solitary on the beach. So, as we are leaving for our zodiaks to return to the ship, we had to wait a bit while more big boppers arrived: In the PM, we climbed a steep hill to the St. Jonsfjord glacier. On the way, a nesting ptarmigen surveyed the fjord.