Sunday, September 12, 2010

Second Wind

It has been awhile since the last blog. We travelled to the Rockies (New Mexico, Colorado, and Alberta), and this weekend I just had a short trip to Tuscaloosa, Alabama with fellow retirees to see PennState take on the #1 Crimson Tide. Statistically, the game was not too bad, except for the score. THe relatively inexperienced Lions had three costly turnovers inside the red zone. The Tide's tailgaters were incredibly friendly, however, to us fans decked out in blue and whitte, and we ahd a terrific time (including a serenade from the full tuba sectionh - eighteen strong - of the Alabama band prior to the game).

We've planted a second, fall crop of lettuce, spinich and beets. In addition, we've added compost to the replantede rows and to the beets from the spring (to give them a shot in the arm). In the meantime, we are getting a abundent levels of tomatoes, string beans, and celery (see the basket, just from this afternoon). I also double dug a raspberry pit 4' by 16' and will plant raspberries later this fall. Finally, we are getting a good stand of asparagus, which, hopefully, will be sufficient to harvest next year.

The second picture is the icing on the cake of the garden produce. Our granddaughter Madison,after picking tomatoes and beans the other day, said, "Pop Pop, I want to dig." So she has her own little shovel and rake, and is becoming not just a reaper, but she will also have her own row next year to dig, plant and see how to make things grow. Yeah!