Thursday, December 18, 2014

Tire scrubbers

Wow! I was not planning a second blog today, but ... First a "beeg truck" comes with some serious stones. Here's the view: The big truck dumps the relatively big stones about 30' from the road - these stones are to "scrub" the dirt from the construction site off the truck wheels before goiing back onto the road. Oops! Houston, we have a problem - tree branches. Here are two views of the trees and the dumper - they don't mix well: Remember in our prior post we referred to the construction road's slope - well, here's why. The dumper is stuck! Apparently, the scrubber stones "roll" rather than compact, which makes the road surface like driving on big ball bearings - not much traction. However, the little loader just picks up the dumper and pushes it to the road. Hopefully, this is not a harbinger of permanent challenges. So after the dust settles, and the trucks leave, here is our construction entrance and road. Ta da!

Building a construction road

Christmas is coming a week early at the Beers. At 7:30 am, the trucks arrived to start the construction entrance. Ours is not a cool site because the commuters come flying around the curve (late of course) on their way to work. Here is the arrival: With the first load of stone and grit, an entrance is formed: After the second load of balast arrived, the temporary road is extended. It is trickier than you might think to get the road at just the right height, slope, and tilt. Of special concern - getting the path set so the dump trucks can tilt the back dumper without hitting the electric wires overhead. If you look very closely at the last two pictures, you can see how low the wires are compared to the street.