Monday, July 13, 2015

Stones ... !

Today's post will look at the changes made today by the excavators - they are starting to replace the dirt around the barn and pool. And --- we have a mystery stone (more on that later). From down by the pond, looking back to the barn, the change in landscape is special. Further up the slope, you can see how the barn, walls, and pool are taking shape. We asked the excavators to save us the big rocks (for retaining walls) - oh, and they did. Moving to the rear of the barn, here are two views from each side. And finally, as they were digging, they came up with a round stone with a small "3" and "1961" etched into the stone. Now we have to figure out what this was and the significance of the date. Strangely, it was essentially out in the middle of what was a horse field. Call in Hercule Poirot!