Sunday, September 27, 2015

Barn and anniversary party - 9/26 - garden

Well, as usual, Pop Pop is having techy problems. This time we upgraded (?) to Windows 10, and as a result, the computer won't recognize my portal in which I download pictures from my camera. So ... no blogs for the past month. After hours on "chats" with both Microsoft and Canon service staff (and no positive results), we have a partial work around - I'm taking pictures with my I-phone, and then emailing them to myself, and downloading the pictures. It should not be so difficult! In any event, we have lots of pics and we are nearly done the barn, pool, and landscaping - lots has happened in the past month. As we come from the house, the first thing you see is the garden - so we'll start with that in this blog. Here are the first views of the garden (only two weeks old, BTW). Inside the garden are views from different angles. The dirt was moved from the old garden two weeks ago, and Pop Pop planted winter cover crops. In just two weeks, oats, peas, and winter rye have come up strongly. We'll follow up to the barn and pool in a further blog.