Monday, June 24, 2013

Yosemite Valley in the rain, mist and fog

Today De De and Pop Pop walked to the Vernal Falls bridge, and to Mirror Lake - but a totally different day compared to yesterday. Still beautiful, but now with mists and fog, not just sheer granite walls. Each day different, but all interesting. Today's pictures are more streams and trees, because that's where we walked, but the mist and fog had great interest also.

First view of Yosemite

We could not get Internet connection yesterday - so, hopefully, two today. We arrived late in the PM, but had an opportunity for two walks and evening snacks and wine at the Alwanhee, a grand hotel built by the railroaders to entice visitors to Yosemite. Yosemite is a Park as big as Rhode Island, but 90% of the visitors jam into the Valley, a seven mile long canyon of granite, sheer cliffs, waterfalls, and conifers. It is on the one hand, one of the most beautiful spots on earth, and on the other, Disney Wilderness on steroids. If you blow up three of the pictures, you'll see cars and people - very, very small.