Friday, April 17, 2015

Final insulation touches and SWMS intake

This post is really from today - Friday the 17th. Pictures from today include the re-wrapping of the barn sides, completion of insulation for the roof, and scraping off insulation that got on the roof joists, rather than between them. The excavators are also here - putting the storm water management intake box (all 5,000 pounds of it) in place. Good day today - Monday may see rain. It comes, it goes. As you might surmise from the pictures, it gets pretty gooey and messy if it rains hard.

Two days later - wow

In just two days, all the sides have been insulated, and new lattice work covers the insulation (to get ready for the outer board and batten siding). Work is underway digging a trench for water from our well, and stones for the barn have been delivered. Lots of change is in the air. When the weather is sunny - things move quickly.

Moving Day

They call Saturday at the Masters "Moving Day." We had our own moving day on Monday, the 13th. Here are pictures of wood, windows, and cupola being unloaded for the barn. On another front, the process of spraying on insulation started. Here is a picture of the framework prior to insulation, and then two views of one of the sides being sprayed. We are off for a few days minding some of the grandchildren, so it will be interesting to see what has changed when we return.