Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Three different worlds

Today was our most different day. We started at Crater Lake with over two inches of ... SNOW! Why not, it is not yet summer (by two days). Then we travelled to Redwood National Park and took two walks - the first in Stout Grove, and a longer one over the Boy Scout trail. The groves and forest walks are made up of 500 to 1,500 year old living beings - the trees are so majestic and create feelings of privilege, peacefulness, and serenity. The first Redwoods picture is from Stout Grove, the rest from the Boy Scout trail. Notice the scale of people to trees. The final picture is of a downed tree, with ferns and other plants taking over.
Finally, we hit the California Coast and the Pacific Ocean. We started with snow, continued in the rain, and moved on in the fog. BTW, we entered the Park at the Hiouchi Information Center, and saw an extremely informative 12 minute video. We'd recommend it to all who come and have not seen it yet. A small factoid - the giant trees get 1/2 of their annual water from fog, a key reason they are able to grow so tall.