Monday, February 22, 2010

Godthul and Grytviken in South Georgia

Today was a busy day, starting in the early am with Pop Pop and yoga, then a kayak ride with both DeDe and Pop Pop in Godthul, Norwegian for “Good Cove.” South Georgia is different from Antarctica – in Antarctica there is only 2” of rainfall per year. Here in South Georgia, it rains or snows 300 days per year. We’ve been here two days, it snowed in both, and it is the dead of summer. The kayak ride was on clear water, with swells near the rocks by the shore. The elephant seal in the picture was lolling about until we must have gotten too close, when first the head came up, then the tail, and we decided that DeDe should “click” and we retreat.
Later that morning, we hiked up to the back of the bowl forming the cove with steep crags and scree all around us, where there was a mountain pond, and rushing streams.
We’re getting photog lessons, and the flower picture is an experiment by Pop Pop that seemed to work out. Bet in the winter, all those little flowers are buried in snow!