Monday, October 5, 2015

Raison d'etre for the pool and barn

Pop Pop has not, as far as I can remember, posted a blog with only one picture. However, here is a picture of Ella and Tiny who are (along with our other grandchildren and children) the reason for the barn and pool. Yeah!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Barn and anniversary party

So, following up the pics of the garden, here are pictures of the pool and barn just before our "inaugural" party. The decorations were stunning. When the party actually started, De De and Pop Pop were so busy - almost no pictures. However, we are getting some sent to us from others, so a future blog will show some of them.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Barn and anniversary party - 9/26 - garden

Well, as usual, Pop Pop is having techy problems. This time we upgraded (?) to Windows 10, and as a result, the computer won't recognize my portal in which I download pictures from my camera. So ... no blogs for the past month. After hours on "chats" with both Microsoft and Canon service staff (and no positive results), we have a partial work around - I'm taking pictures with my I-phone, and then emailing them to myself, and downloading the pictures. It should not be so difficult! In any event, we have lots of pics and we are nearly done the barn, pool, and landscaping - lots has happened in the past month. As we come from the house, the first thing you see is the garden - so we'll start with that in this blog. Here are the first views of the garden (only two weeks old, BTW). Inside the garden are views from different angles. The dirt was moved from the old garden two weeks ago, and Pop Pop planted winter cover crops. In just two weeks, oats, peas, and winter rye have come up strongly. We'll follow up to the barn and pool in a further blog.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

America runs on ... trucks and machines

The ad says America runs on Dunkin' Donuts. But it really runs on trucks and machines. Today we have eight work streams all at once (fence, septic, grading, masonry, patio, courtyard, landscape, and propane) - it is a bit chaotic here! Here are pictures of all the trucks and machines.
After the trucks leave, we'll post how the landscape is changing.

Demolition derby

Today we'll have two blogs - one from three days ago, and one from today. Three days ago the excavators demolished the old barn. Susie, Matt and their children came to see the show. Here is a "before:" As they started, Ella and Pop Pop went up by the road to see the work - others stayed in front of the old barn. Here's a video of the start. Ella asks, "When's that one (the new barn) done? "Maybe more about a month." replied Pop Pop. Here they finished the top floor. Working on the lower floor, the back hoe lifts the roof/floor. Finally, it's all over. So ... here are "after" views from the house and road.
We're getting closer to the end line. I just looked at the "preview" and can't get the videos to work. Hopefully, there is a fix.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Stones ... !

Today's post will look at the changes made today by the excavators - they are starting to replace the dirt around the barn and pool. And --- we have a mystery stone (more on that later). From down by the pond, looking back to the barn, the change in landscape is special. Further up the slope, you can see how the barn, walls, and pool are taking shape. We asked the excavators to save us the big rocks (for retaining walls) - oh, and they did. Moving to the rear of the barn, here are two views from each side. And finally, as they were digging, they came up with a round stone with a small "3" and "1961" etched into the stone. Now we have to figure out what this was and the significance of the date. Strangely, it was essentially out in the middle of what was a horse field. Call in Hercule Poirot!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Let's stop and smell the roses

It is easy to get caught up in our barn and pool project. We thought it would be nice, however, to stop and appreciate our little stream and paths in the wetlands and by Crum Creek. The Monarda are in full bloom, and pretty spctacular. Here are three views of our stream out by the road. Walking toward the back, there is a clump of day lilies by the pond that the deer have missed. Turning around from that spot, the barn is up the rise. Back along Crum Creek, our wetlands glisten in the sun, and some of the bee-balm we recently transplanted to along the path seem to be doing well. And finally, it is always a good idea to stop and smell the roses. ... from a beautiful, sunny day in July.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

A day for fireworks!

It has been a few weeks since the last blog, not because of a lack of progress, but because everything now is incremental, adding in details and finishing touches to the barn and pool. Big changes to come include floors, patios, interior "stuff," plastering the pool, grading, fencing, landscaping, demolition of the old barn, and building the new garden (on the old barn footprint). Phew - still lots more to come. Anyway, here are pictures of what it looks like now. First two are the barn, and the barn and pool from the view coming into the barn field from the house. As an added detail, here is a picture of the sun shelf and wall behind the pool. The next picture is of the patio under the barn overhang. A view of the rear of the barn from the road follows: Finally, here is a picture of the top floor (the low platform is for the wood stove, after the platform is covered with stone). Next big change - regrading and getting rid of most of the big piles of dirt.