Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The walls are now defined

Yesterday and today, the workers took away the aluminum forms for the walls of the barn. What's left are the actual cement walls, ready for stone facing or support for the timber-frame structure. Here are some pictures: The forms are loaded on the truck with the large crane doing the heavy lifting. The crane is staying in the yard for the meantime - the mud is too slippery for traction. They'll need either a push from a loader, or frozen ground to harden the surface. Next up - timber frame - yeah!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Warm and cuddly?

So how do you keep a wall warm enough to cure cement? Wrap it up in a blanket - of course!
No way would that keep me warm last night. Hopefully, the cement was full enough of chemicals to weather the temperature.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Pouring the walls

We have a slight break in temperature today (high 30's) so the men are pouring the barn walls and the walls to retain the courtyard. Here are some pictures: After the pour, the walls will be blanketed to allow the concrete to withstand the freezing night temperatures. Next up - a visit from the timber frame builder. He'll measure the foundations here, and cut the timbers out in Lancaster County, then assemble the pre-cut pieces here.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Building the frames for the "bank" walls

Because the barn will be a "bank barn," the back and side walls need to be poured to hold back soil and water coming down the bank. Today, the workers are building the aluminum forms that will hold the cement to form the walls. We are not sure when the cement will be poured, but certainly not Wed. or Thur. with highs in the low 20's and lows in single digits. Ice skating is likeky this week. Here are views of the forms being raised: Hopefully, we'll get a thaw period after this winter blast, so that cement can flow.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Building the foundation walls

This is the first day after New Year's Day. As I was coming out to see what was up, here is the sight - hanging in the air is a pallet of 3x8 ft. aluminum panels which will be the forms to pour cement into for the barn foundation walls: First, the crane has to pick up a load of panels off the truck: Then, look at how the pallet sways in circles as the operator moves it to the footing area: Getting the panels into position is important: And finally, the panels are carried to the footing ditch: Now we need a few days above freezing to build the forms and pour concrete. Next week - likely not - but hopefully, soon.