Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chopping ice

Only four days to go! We are definately getting excited.

We had an ice experience recently. We live near two streams, ponds, and wetlands. Because the ground water is so high, we had a spring develop in our front yeard, and half of our driveway is thick with ice. That is a bit of a problem, but even worse, the water started to seep up onto the front walk and ice it over. So ... Pop Pop goes out with a big metal rod (about six feet long) to break up the ice. After about 45 minutes of chopping ice, I came in for lunch. In an hour, I could barely move my right elbow.
Yesterday, I had a paddle match, and needed instant relief. Ice (packed around the elbow), excercise, and Advil came to the rescue. Thankfully, the combination worked. So ice was really helpful in solving the problem that ice caused.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's all you guys need to do is get hurt before you go playing in the ice. Remember- working with ice should only be done during cocktail time.