Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day in the Garden

Out of a possible 17 rows (where each row is one fence line, or 10’ long) we now have planted 12 rows, as follows:
• Four types of lettuce – Bibb, Butterhead, Green Lollo, and Romaine. The Green Lollo is growing the fastest.
• Four types of tomato – 7 Early Girl, one Yellow Brandywine, and two types of “cherry” tomatoes (four cherry plants, total). These were all planted in the last two days. Half of the tomatoes are from the Rushton farm, half from a local Nursery. It will be a treat to see if we can tell the difference in plant and fruit and taste.
• Two types of zucchini and spinach
• Carrot and beet (one row each)
• Two pepper plants (we may add to this group)
Still to come: climbing string beans and celery. Maybe we should put in a few corn plants, also, but these are last priority.
Aaron’s lessons this week were mainly about thinning the lettuce and carrots and staking the tomatoes. In addition, he showed how to prune the tomato plants and how to plant them deep for better root generation. He’s pleased with the soil construction and the raised beds. Yeah!
The pictures don’t show much, but it’s only Mother’s Day, so we need to have patience.
Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers reading of our grden.

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