Sunday, November 14, 2010

Wintering over

The garden is slowly closing down, so it is time for an evaluation of 2010's efforts. Overall, the garden was a great success compared to 2009, broken down as follows:
- Tomatoes: delicious, abundant, and producing for many months A+
- Beans, lettuce, and spinach: tasty and abundant A
- Beets and carrots: good, but small and not prolific C
- Broccoli, squash, cucumbers, and peppers: not good at all F (the broccoli was eaten by a "critter," I messed up planting the peppers, and the squash and cucumbers were in the worst row in terms of preparation - the one I did not "double dig").
THe garden picture shows a bit of asparagus on the right (we hope to harvest asparagus in 2011), and in the back, the remnants of beets and carots that have not yet been pulled. The rows ahve been mulched using this year's compost pile (see the second picture), while we have two more piles working, one for 2011, and another for 2012 - the 2012 pile is the close one in the picture. In addition, I dug two raised beds 4' x 16' and planted raspberries in one. We are saving the second for cherry and blueberry bushes for the spring of 2011.
Madison continues to love the garden, so we dug her a 3' x 3' garden at her house. When I asked her what she will plant next year, she immediately said, "Cookies."
So here's to tomatoes and other fresh produce, and to "cookies."

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