Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Good-bye Brazil

We wish all the best to Brazil, and all the warm, friendly people we met on this trip. We are particularly grateful to our guides, Teo, Ricardo, Marcelo, Carlos, and Celina. A very special thanks to our guide in Fernando de Naronha, Adrianna, who made the island stay really come alive, with beaches, boats, food, and most of all, snorkeling. Also, hats off to Fernando, Rudolfo, and Kaia, who led us in the water to sights we never imagined.

For our closing pics, we have chosen our mode of transportation on Naronha, the Yellowjacket," a view of Praia do Leao, one of the three (all tied for top three) "best beaches in Brazil," and all on Noronha. And Leao deserves every accolade! When we took the picture, we were the only ones on the beach, and it reminded us of The Lonely Planet. Later, a total of 16 people sat and swam on a mile-long piece of heaven on earth.

Finally, we had to close with a sunset over Naronha.

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