Sunday, June 16, 2013

A walk in the weeds

Yesterday, no blog due to no internet connection - so hopefully, two today. For the first time on the trip, Pop Pop had a blue funk, but thankfully, only for a little while. We decided on a hike at Bowman Lake, which turned out to be relatively cold, wet, and weedy. Our normal 4' to 5' wide soft paths through the parks wound up to be 18" wide through 3' to 4' tall weeds hanging over the trail due to a steady rain. But that was just the symptom. The real reason for the funk was that we had come to Glacier Park, and had not seen a glacier - the whole eastern side of the park was a tantalizing 40 miles away through Logan Pass, which was going to open June 21st, one week later. They were still digging out 100' snow drifts closing the pass. Bummer! We could have driven 6 to 8 hours to the east side - but decided that was just too much, considering how much driving the trip entailed. In the PM, we came back to the Lake MacDonald area and walked around John's Lake. That picked Pop Pop back up, because it was a particularly pretty walk in some of the same area where we had rode horses the prior day. On this walk, we took a can of bear spray (mace for bears). It did occur to us that this might not be the best spot to walk, but it did majorly calm down my annoyance. Pics for this blog include one from Lake Bowman, three from our PM walk, and one of Lake MacDonald the morning we left.

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