Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Riding high

De De and Pop Pop started the day at our hotel, which is at 2,000 feet elevation. We drove to the Yosemite Valley at 4,000' and took a left turn up Big Oak Flat Road - but it wasn't flat. At the turn to Tioga Road we were at 6,000' high, and we drove across Yosemite to Tuolumne Meadows at 8,600' and on to Tioga Pass at 10,000 feet elevation. The day was cloudy, misty, foggy, or rainy until we hit the pass, when blue skies and white clouds replaced the weather west of the Sierra peaks. From up on top, pictures today include flowers along the roadside ... At Tuolumne Meadows we took a mile long walk (remember, at 8,600' so we were happy to make the grade). Then, east of the pass, we could look out over the Great Basin of Nevada toward the Rockies to the east. As we descended, we could again look up the Valley. Closing out the day, we met our niece, Jessie, and her husband, Chris, for a dinner at the Ahwahnee (I think this is the correct spelling - I know my last attempt was not). All in all a beautiful day, even in the mists and clouds.

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