Thursday, February 27, 2014


Today's blog (for yesterday) starts off where we usually end up - on the beach, out on the little pier, and looking at the sunset. Yesterday was quiet with a snorkel at Rum Point, but after the sunset, we had a fabulous dinner from Mise en Place, who had served us three superb meals last week. Gardine and Elin cooked and served the dinner, so we were honored to have their best. Gardine Euter-Miller won "Top Chef" for the Caymans in 2011 and came in a close second last year. Elin is here from Sweden, and is learning the business. Steve, based on last week's dinners and his taste, thinks Gardine could be one of Philly's top 5 chef's if she were in PA. So we had the idea to blog the meal. *** We opened with an appetizer of scallops, topped with a green pea and roasted pepper salad, and capped with prosciutto. After the appetizer, Elin served our salad: grapefruit and avocado, topped with arugula and baby greens. The combination was wonderful. Meanwhile Gardine was preparing the main course of tiger shrimp with risotto, callalop (a green similar to spinach), and sweet potato fries - oh, yes. And here is what it looked like on the plate. For dessert, we savored a chocolate mousse cake with fruit - it lived up to all the other specialties. It is a rare treat to have such a meal. Thank you, Gardine and Elin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow,Wow!! for you guys.You must be having the time of your lives. A great week with the family and another with each other. You couldn't ask for anything more.