Saturday, June 21, 2014

Oslo: Norwegian boats and blonds

We closed out our trip in Oslo, the beautiful capital in the southeast part of Norway. What we saw was sort of a combination of San Fransisco, CA and Williamsburg, VA in the US. It snowed as we left Svalbard (78 degrees North) but it was near 75 degrees Farenheight in Oslo. On the 18th, we took the Hop On, Hop Off two-decker bus to a sculpture park, the outdoors "Folk Museum" and the Viking Museum (and several other maritime museums). We then took a ferry ride back to Center City, where we relaxed on the docks for early evening. Pictures follow: The above were all from the Folk Museum. The Stave Church and farm storage house were 1700 style buildings, while the latter picture was chosen to show a folk Norwegian costume - Not! From the harbor area, here is a Viking ship from about 800 AD, the Kon tiki which they sailed from Peru to the South Pacific (to show it could be done) and a current harbor scene: For our last day, we visited the cultural Historic Museum, the Edward Munch Museum, and a local, non-tourist neighborhood called Grunerlokke. On recommendation from a helpful nurse travelling on our tram, we had a late lunch, early dinner at a Turkish Cafe, Noah's Ark. It was a superb end to a very special trip. Only one or two more posts for this trip; we will close with a recap, and perhaps a "homecoming" blog.

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