Thursday, December 18, 2014

Tire scrubbers

Wow! I was not planning a second blog today, but ... First a "beeg truck" comes with some serious stones. Here's the view: The big truck dumps the relatively big stones about 30' from the road - these stones are to "scrub" the dirt from the construction site off the truck wheels before goiing back onto the road. Oops! Houston, we have a problem - tree branches. Here are two views of the trees and the dumper - they don't mix well: Remember in our prior post we referred to the construction road's slope - well, here's why. The dumper is stuck! Apparently, the scrubber stones "roll" rather than compact, which makes the road surface like driving on big ball bearings - not much traction. However, the little loader just picks up the dumper and pushes it to the road. Hopefully, this is not a harbinger of permanent challenges. So after the dust settles, and the trucks leave, here is our construction entrance and road. Ta da!

1 comment:

Jim and Joan said...

We're sitting here with our swim suits on.This is going to be a lot of fun for the kids to watch!