Saturday, February 28, 2015

Going inside for the first time

Today is Saturday (last day of February). No workers to interrupt today, so today's pictures are of and from the inside of the barn. First is a picture looking through the barn from the road, and then a pic showing in more detail the view through the barn. In the first floor (below) you can see the size of the beams supporting the barn. The second view is from the ladder going to the top floor. Once above, here are views looking out to the road, and then out to the pond. Looks like a good layout. And finally, here are three views of the top floor room from two of the corners. Yeah! It really is moving forward.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Making progress

Carpenters can be funny. I asked one today if I could get them anything (thinking coffee or tea to fend off some of the cold). He answered, "Do you know of a mud and ice removal company?" They are making progress: Especially with the 3rd pic, it is obvious the "upper room" will be spacious (big wheels, anyone).

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Picking up the thread

Pop Pop is back from vacation on Grand Cayman Island, at a quaint area named Rum Point. My laptop "chip" portal was found to be broken before I left, so there were no blogs either from the Caymans or of the barn project until now. Lots has transpired since we left, so here goes with some of the progress. Our architect, sent us this picture of the timber frame after it was erected: This is especially impressive in that the Philly area was below zero some of the time, and I think, rarely rose above freezing during February. Since I've returned, lots of progress on the barn has been made - but just for interest, here is what I left, and what I returned home to see (my last four pics in my first download): And now, today, we have really progressed!