Friday, February 5, 2010


Two days and counting.

Thank goodness we were not leaving tomorrow - all the plane flights out of Philadelphia have been cancelled, due to a blizzard. We're scheduled to head out Sunday afternoon. Hopefully the runways will be clear by then. First stop, Miami, then a long jaunt to Santiago, Chile.

This snowfall is expected to be wet and heavy, and over a foot deep, with lots of wind and drifts. So there will likely be down branches and trees and electrical outages.

On January 14th Pop Pop posted a picture of our ponies in an earlier deep snow - bet that's what it will look like tomorrow, too.


Anonymous said...

Donna and Clyde,
Does everyone know they can comment and contact you through this blog?

cbeersea@VERIZON.NET said...

Jim and Joan,

We've never read a comment before - so, perhaps not.

Pop Pop