Friday, February 28, 2014

Last full day

Today we drove to the East End where there are several large resorts. We snorkeled around the piers for two of them: the Morritts, and the Reefs. In each case, it was like a fish zoo, with hundreds of fish swimming in and around the piers - and everything from small sargent-majors to huge tarpons. Their secret is no secret - they feed the fish, and the fish cooperate for the guests by milling around. It was awesome. In the PM, De De took a last walk around Starfish Point, where we are staying. She got some interesting pictures: In the evening we went to Rum Point for our last dinner. We close with two pictures from there. De De graduated from her normal chardonnay to a Mudslide - more appropriate to brace for a trip from 85 degrees with a warm breeze, and swimming two or three times a day, to sleet, cold, and 12" of snow forecast. This was a terrific spot, a wonderful time, and, my guess, we'll do it again.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Today's blog (for yesterday) starts off where we usually end up - on the beach, out on the little pier, and looking at the sunset. Yesterday was quiet with a snorkel at Rum Point, but after the sunset, we had a fabulous dinner from Mise en Place, who had served us three superb meals last week. Gardine and Elin cooked and served the dinner, so we were honored to have their best. Gardine Euter-Miller won "Top Chef" for the Caymans in 2011 and came in a close second last year. Elin is here from Sweden, and is learning the business. Steve, based on last week's dinners and his taste, thinks Gardine could be one of Philly's top 5 chef's if she were in PA. So we had the idea to blog the meal. *** We opened with an appetizer of scallops, topped with a green pea and roasted pepper salad, and capped with prosciutto. After the appetizer, Elin served our salad: grapefruit and avocado, topped with arugula and baby greens. The combination was wonderful. Meanwhile Gardine was preparing the main course of tiger shrimp with risotto, callalop (a green similar to spinach), and sweet potato fries - oh, yes. And here is what it looked like on the plate. For dessert, we savored a chocolate mousse cake with fruit - it lived up to all the other specialties. It is a rare treat to have such a meal. Thank you, Gardine and Elin.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Looking at the sun and stars

This was another relaxing day on Grand Cayman. We snorkeled in the late AM and early PM in crystal clear water. Lots and lots of fish (especially when the guides started putting small pieces of squid in the water). Dozens and dozens of colorful fish swarmed us. We also saw impressive coral, rays, and lobster. Best place in the Caymans so far, and in the top 5 we've ever been. Back at our digs on Star Point, we counted a dozen star fish right in front of our beach walking in only up to our knees. Here are several pictures: For the ecology crew, De De had "Big Red" out of the water only for a few seconds. Later, De De took a walk, while Pop Pop took another snorkel. De De saw some interesting sights: You know how the grandchildren never tired of walking to Rum Point in the PM for ice cream? Well, De De and Pop Pop seem to have the same pattern - a little wine, sit on the pier, and watch the sun go down. So, one more time - the same, but a little different each time. Signing off again, "Peace and quiet."

Monday, February 24, 2014

Ivan the Terrible

No pictures today, so you can stop reading here if you just look at our pictures. However, De De and Pop Pop heard an almost unbelievable story today, which follows. We met with Joyce Forbes, head of Kirk Markets food delivery services, which is a wonderful service as you move into a vacation home. Joyce provides great service, and she is a very friendly person. *** Hurricane Ivan hit Grand Cayman on a Friday in 2004 at 8 PM, but then just sat over the island until Monday morning. Virtually the whole island was under water (the highest point on the island is only 60' high, and most of the island is less than 20' above sea level). Electricity and water were out for three weeks! She and her husband had to sit out the storm on top of their furniture with four feet of water around them from Saturday through Sunday, terrified that they could not escape their house, and that in any event, there was no place to go. De De and Pop Pop both felt we'd have been freaked out. After surviving, driving was an adventure for the next week - with almost nothing to differentiate the road from the beach. Then the mold set in. Ouch! *** A little snorkeling, a walk on the beach, and a broccoli topped pizza filled out the rest of our day. Peace and quiet.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Winding down

Yesterday (Saturday)was a day of transition. We had a very nice lunch at Camana Bay, and all the children and grandchildren who were here made it safely home to PA. Today De De and Pop Pop had a chance to settle into our new place about a mile from Sun Salutations, and facing south, not northwest, as at Sun. It is way larger (three bedrooms) than we need, but it is much less than last week's residence. We snorkeled around the Sound off our beach, and saw lots of turtle grass and Star Fish, a few swimming fish and a small sting ray. Bummer! My underwater battery has been recharged, and the camera is still out of whack. Oh, well. Here are a few pictures as we look out from our new home for this week. And, as last week, we close with a sunset picture off the beach. A beautiful sunset works from all beaches.

Last full day - Friday PM

When the game is on the line, go to what works: pool, beach, and hammock. We spent Friday PM soaking in the best Sun Salutations had to offer. If it is hot on the beach, the hammock is a big attraction, as these pictures attest: The pool is good for cooling off: While at heart, the beach is the real attraction: We were going to close there, but Pop Pop thought, "Well, maybe the babies deserve a curtain call." So ... Are you kidding me? It is no wonder that grandparents are prejudiced when it comes to children and grandchildren. Unless the underwater camera recovers, next week will be relatively short on the blogging. We'll see what the week brings.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Last full day, Friday - boat ride to Sting Ray sand bar in the AM

It is a twenty minute, glass-bottomed boat ride from Rum Point to Sting Ray sand bar out in the middle of the North Sound. While today's pictures show some of the action, Pop Pop was blocking view of Madison in the water, and his underwater camera took the day off. We hope it was just the battery. Madison and Nicholas waited to board at the Rum Point Iguana, a favorite grandchild hang-out. On the boat, De De and Madison were together as were Pop Pop and Nicholas. Madison got into the water with Pop Pop to see the big sting Rays. Madison's reaction was, "It was exciting to touch the sting rays (especially underneath where they are smooth) but it was even more exciting when they bumped into me." Nicholas was brave enough to touch a biggie, and get a gentle slap on his cheek. This was a really fun boat ride, especially touching sting rays and feeding them squid.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Settling in to Island time

Madison and Nicholas are getting used to Island Time: Meanwhile, Steve and Valentine were feeling good: And Susie and the (not so little) Bear opted for the little pool: One of the day's highlights was a trip to Camana Bay Shopping Mall (and fountains): But that did not, of course, supplant the daily walk to Rum Point and ice cream refreshments: Our friendly neighbor, Angela, from Detroit,showed Madison and Pop Pop a star that could move on her hand: Closing out the day, the sun set quietly over the west end of Grand Cayman. Even on Island Time,the week is moving way too fast.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Beach and pool

Just to let you know that there are adults watching the kids, here are some of the "together" pictures. The Macciocca's were building a sand fort on the beach. Meanwhile, Steve, Jess and Valentine had a spot under the palm trees: Pop Pop and De De were watching Ella. In the afternoon, we traveled to Star Point to see Patrick, Sam and other stars. We did not see Sponge Bob.
Coming back, we stopped at Rum Point for some refreshments: Back at the ranch, time for some hugs: And a view of the ocean as the sun goes down. All this while we heard that Philly had another storm alert and 3" more of snow. We picked a good week to head to the Caymans.