Sunday, February 23, 2014

Winding down

Yesterday (Saturday)was a day of transition. We had a very nice lunch at Camana Bay, and all the children and grandchildren who were here made it safely home to PA. Today De De and Pop Pop had a chance to settle into our new place about a mile from Sun Salutations, and facing south, not northwest, as at Sun. It is way larger (three bedrooms) than we need, but it is much less than last week's residence. We snorkeled around the Sound off our beach, and saw lots of turtle grass and Star Fish, a few swimming fish and a small sting ray. Bummer! My underwater battery has been recharged, and the camera is still out of whack. Oh, well. Here are a few pictures as we look out from our new home for this week. And, as last week, we close with a sunset picture off the beach. A beautiful sunset works from all beaches.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am on my way. Why waste the other bedrooms.