Monday, February 24, 2014

Ivan the Terrible

No pictures today, so you can stop reading here if you just look at our pictures. However, De De and Pop Pop heard an almost unbelievable story today, which follows. We met with Joyce Forbes, head of Kirk Markets food delivery services, which is a wonderful service as you move into a vacation home. Joyce provides great service, and she is a very friendly person. *** Hurricane Ivan hit Grand Cayman on a Friday in 2004 at 8 PM, but then just sat over the island until Monday morning. Virtually the whole island was under water (the highest point on the island is only 60' high, and most of the island is less than 20' above sea level). Electricity and water were out for three weeks! She and her husband had to sit out the storm on top of their furniture with four feet of water around them from Saturday through Sunday, terrified that they could not escape their house, and that in any event, there was no place to go. De De and Pop Pop both felt we'd have been freaked out. After surviving, driving was an adventure for the next week - with almost nothing to differentiate the road from the beach. Then the mold set in. Ouch! *** A little snorkeling, a walk on the beach, and a broccoli topped pizza filled out the rest of our day. Peace and quiet.

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